History of Cigar Oasis

Cigar Oasis was developed in 1997 as the first electronic & automatic cigar humidifier for personal humidors.

The expanded product line includes humidification solutions for humidors of every size from desktop to walk-ins, serving consumers and retailers alike. 

In addition to Cigar Humidification, Cigar Oasis now offers a complete line of premium cigar accessories including the best-selling Caliber digital hygrometers, Ash-Stay windproof cigar ashtrays, and the newly launched Cigar Essentials line of cigar cutters, lighters, ashtrays and humidors. 


  • 1997

    Cigar Oasis develops the first electronic humidifier for personal humidors

  • 1998

    Cigar Oasis introduced at the RTDA show and met with great acclaim

  • 1999

    Cigar Oasis II is developed to service cabinet humidors

  • 2001

    Cigar Oasis releases the Plus model designed for larger personal humidors

  • 2001

    Humidifiers redesigned to include digital display

  • 2008

    Cigar Oasis releases the Ultra, a sleek lid-mounted unit for smaller desktop humidors

  • 2012

    Cigar Oasis acquires Western Humidor and releases the Caliber IV 4R digital hygrometers

  • 2014

    Cigar Oasis releases its Next Generation line of humidifiers. Redesigned with new features including Wi-Fi capability

  • 2017

    Cigar Oasis celebrates 20 years

  • 2018

    Cigar Oasis takes on exclusive distribution Ash-Stay Windproof Ashtrays

  • 2019

    Release of the fully upgraded Cigar Oasis 3.0

  • 2021

    Release of Oasis Humi-Zone humidifier for walk-in humidors

  • 2022

    Launch of Cigar Essentials line of premium accessories